Past Perfect or Present Perfect - 7 класс тесты с ответами

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 7 класса по теме: «Past Perfect or Present Perfect»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

1. “Perfect Tense” на русский язык переводится как:

- настоящее время

- продолжительное время

- прошедшее время

+ совершенное время

2. Для чего используются времена, относящиеся к группе Perfect?

- для обозначения регулярных повседневных действий в прошедшем, настоящем или будущем времени, при этом не указывая на длительность или результат данного действия

+ для выражения завершенности действия, результат которого непосредственно связан с данным моментом времени

- для обозначения действия, проходящего в течение какого-либо временного промежутка

- для выражения процесса, который начался и длился какое-то время до какого-то момента в прошлом, настоящем или будущем.

3. В Present Perfect Tense вспомогательными глаголами являются:

+ have/has

- had

- was/were

- am/ia/are

4. В каком варианте указан вспомогательный глагол Past Perfect Tense?

- have/has

+ had

- was/were

- am/ia/are

5. Как образуется отрицательная форма Present Perfect Tense?

+ have/has + not + V3(ed)

- had + not + V3(ed)

- have/has + no + V3(ed)

- not have/has + V3(ed)

6. Как образуется вопросительная форма Past Perfect Tense?

- have/has + I/we/you/they/he/she/it + V3(ed)

+ had + I/we/you/they/he/she/it + V3(ed)

- have/has + I/we/you/they/he/she/it + V1

- had + I/we/you/they/he/she/it + V1

7. Дополните предложение «Nick knew that I … as a teacher before coming to his company in 2015», используя подходящую форму глагола «to work»:

- have worked

- worked

- work

+ had worked

8. Дополните предложение «Yesterday … a good day, because I … my all work», используя подходящие формы глаголов:

- were, had finished

- was, finished

+ was, had finished

- was, have finished

9. В каком варианте указано слово, которое не является показателем времени группы Perfect?

- never

- just

+ last week

- already

тест 10. В каком варианте представлено наречие, указывающее на завершенность действия?

- often

- normally

- regularly

+ ever

11. К какой группе времен относятся Past Perfect Tense и Present Perfect Tense?

+ Perfect

- Non-Perfect

- Настоящая

- Прошедшая

12. Определите, в каком времени употреблено данное предложение: «My little sister has done it»:

- Present Continuous

- Past Simple

+ Present Perfect

- Past Perfect

13. Дополните предложение «They … in Saint Petersburg before they … to Moscow», используя подходящие формы глаголов:

+ had lived, moved

- lived, had moved

- have lived, moved

- lived, moved

14. Определите, в каком времени употреблено данное предложение: «We had known each other since childhood»:

- Present Perfect

- Present Continuous

+ Past Perfect

- Past Simple

15. Какая картинка описывает данное предложение «This morning I have drunk three cup of coffee»?

вопрос теста Past Perfect or Present Perfect 7 класс. Задание 1

16. Выберите правильный перевод предложения «Has Ann ever been to Paris?»:

- Анна никогда не была в Париже?

+ Была ли Анна когда-нибудь в Париже?

- Поедет ли Анна когда-нибудь в Париж?

- Поедет ли Анна в Париж?

17. Определите правильный вариант диалога:

+ Andy, last month you were introduced to Bill. Had you known him before? – No, I hadn’t known Bill before.

- Andy, last month you were introduced to Bill. Did you know him before? – No, I didn’t know Bill before.

- Andy, last month you were introduced to Bill. Had you knew him before? – No, I hadn’t knew Bill before.

- Andy, last month you were introduced to Bill. Have you known him before? – No, I haven’t known Bill before.

18. Выберите специальный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову «Julia has already listened to the new song»:

- Has Julia already listened to the song?

+ What has Julia already listened to?

- What has Julia already listen to?

- Where has Julia already listened to?

19. Определите, в каком времени употреблено данное предложение: «Had you finished your homework?»:

+ Present Perfect

- Present Continuous

- Past Simple

- Past Perfect

тесчт-20. Определите, в каком времени употреблено данное предложение: «Tom has been to Scotland, but I have not been there»:

- Present Continuous

+ Present Perfect

- Past Simple

- Past Perfect

21. “Michael has just had lunch”. Какая картинка описывает данное предложение?

вопрос теста Past Perfect or Present Perfect 7 класс. Задание 2

22. Выберите специальный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову «Julia has just left the school»:

- Has Julia just left the school?

- What has Julia just leave?

- Where has Julia just left?

+ What has Julia just left?

23. «It seemed I ... him before». Какое слово здесь пропущено?

+ had seen

- saw

- have seen

- had see

24. В каком варианте представлен общий вопрос к предложению «My parent have never swum in the sea»?

- Did your parents swim in the sea?

- Have your parents swum in the sea?

+ Have your parents ever swum in the sea?

- Has your parents ever swum in the sea?

25. В каком варианте представлен правильный пример диалога?

- I didn’t see your brother for a week. Does something happen? – My brother is in poor health. He has been in hospital since Wednesday.

- I haven’t seen your brother for a week. Does something happen? – My brother is in poor health. He is in hospital since Wednesday.

+ I haven’t seen your brother for a week. Does something happen? – My brother is in poor health. He has been in hospital since Wednesday.

- I haven’t seen your brother for a week. Does something happen? – My brother is in poor health. He had been in hospital since Wednesday.

26. В каком варианте указан правильный вариант отрицательного предложения в Present Perfect Tense?

+ She has not visited her relatives.

- He did not spend his summer holidays in Moscow.

- Have they arrived?

- Unfortunately Alice had never used this computer program before.

27. “They have never been in this restaurant”. Какое слово здесь употреблено неправильно?

- never

- have

- been

+ in

28. Дополните предложение “The children didn’t want to go to the cinema because they ... the film”, используя правильную форму глагола:

- have already seen

+ had already seen

- have already gone

- had already gone

29. Выберите правильный перевод предложения «Вчера я прибыл в аэропорт к 5 часам»:

- I have arrived at the airport by 5 o’clock yesterday.

- I had arrive at the airport by 5 o’clock yesterday.

+ I had arrived at the airport by 5 o’clock yesterday.

- I arrived at the airport by 5 o’clock yesterday.

тест_30. “Oh, my little brother has ... broken my mother’s favorite vase”. Какое наречие пропущено?

- usually

- already

+ just

- never

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