Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме: «Present Continuous»
Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +
1. Какую форму принимает вспомогательный глагол “to be” в предложениях в Present Continuous Tense после местоимения «I»?
- is
- are
+ am
- was
2. Какую форму принимает вспомогательный глагол “to be” в предложениях в Present Continuous Tense после местоимений «he, she, it»?
- was
- are
- am
+ is
3. Какую форму принимает вспомогательный глагол “to be” в предложениях в Present Continuous Tense после местоимения «you»?
+ are
- is
- am
- were
4. Какую форму принимает вспомогательный глагол “to be” в предложениях в Present Continuous Tense после местоимений «we, they»?
- were
- is
+ are
- am
5. “Please be quiet. My daughters …”. Выберите вариант ответа, в котором представлена правильная форма глагола “to sleep”:
- is sleeping
+ are sleeping
- sleep
- slept
6. “I … … for the call … ”. Какие слова здесь пропущены?
+ am, waiting, at the moment
- am, wait, now
- are, waiting, now
- am, waiting, at that moment
7. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить предложение в Present Continuous Tense: “the letter”, “am”, “I”, “writing”, “at present”, “my”, “to”, “friend”:
- Am I writing the letter to my friend at present.
- I am at present writing the letter to my friend.
- My friend am writing the letter to I at present.
+ I am writing the letter to my friend at present.
8. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить вопросительное предложение в Present Continuous Tense: “is”, “the”, “now”, “what”, “rabbit”, “doing”:
- What the rabbit is doing now?
+ What is the rabbit doing now?
- What the is rabbit doing now?
- The rabbit is doing what now?
9. Сделайте предложение «The nurse is watching the children playing in the yard» вопросительным:
- Are the nurse watching the children playing in the yard?
- The nurse is watching the children playing in the yard?
- Am the nurse watching the children playing in the yard?
+ Is the nurse watching the children playing in the yard?
тест 10. В каком варианте представлен специальный вопрос к следующему предложению: «Tom is discussing this question at the moment»?
- Is Tom discussing this question at the moment?
- Tom is discussing this question at the moment, isn’t he?
+ What question is Tom discussing at the moment?
- Is Tom discussing this or that question at the moment?
11. В каком варианте представлен разделительный вопрос к следующему предложению: «The teacher is explaining a new rule at present»?
- Is the teacher explaining a new rule at present?
- Who is explaining a new rule at present?
- What is the teacher doing at present?
+ The teacher is explaining a new rule at present, isn’t he?
12. В каком варианте представлен альтернативный вопрос к следующему предложению: «The girls are playing volleyball now»?
- The girls are playing volleyball now, aren’t they?
+ Are the girls playing volleyball or basketball now?
- Are the girls playing volleyball now?
- Who is playing volleyball now?
13. В каком варианте представлен общий вопрос к следующему предложению: «An American writer is translating my letter at the moment»?
- Is an American or Russian writer is translating my letter at the moment?
+ Is an American writer translating my letter at the moment?
- Whose letter is An American writer translating at the moment?
- How is an American writer translating my letter at the moment?
14. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на следующий вопрос: «What is Bill doing at the moment?»:
- Bill is taking a shower at the moment.
- Bill is swimming at the moment.
- Bill is floating on water at the moment.
+ Bill is having a bath at the moment.
15. “My friend Lucy … an interesting book now”. Выберите вариант ответа, в котором представлена правильная форма глагола “to read”:
- reads
+ is reading
- have read
- are reading
16. “My grandmother … a mystery story at the moment”. Выберите вариант ответа, в котором представлена правильная форма глагола “to tell”:
+ is telling
- told
- is being told
- tells
17. В каком варианте представлено предложение с ошибкой?
- What are they doing in the room now?
+ Is it snow?
- Ann is waiting for you now, isn’t she?
- Where are you going now?
18. Посмотрите на рисунок и ответьте на следующий вопрос: «What is George doing now?»:
- George is not smiling now.
- George is building a house now.
+ George is pruning a tree now.
- George is sitting now.
19. Сделайте предложение «Martin is watching a TV show now» вопросительным:
- Martin is watching a TV show now?
- Are Martin watching a TV show now?
- Is watching Martin a TV show now?
+ Is Martin watching a TV show now?
тест-20. В каком варианте представлено предложение с ошибкой?
+ What do you doing here at the moment?
- She is not going to the shop, is she?
- My mother is cooking at present.
- Look! Your brother is running.
21. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить предложение в Present Continuous Tense: “Kristina”, “for”, “is”, “me”, “waiting”, “look!”:
- Look! For me Kristina is waiting.
+ Look! Kristina is waiting for me.
- Kristina, look! Is waiting for me.
- Look! Kristina is for waiting me.
22. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить утвердительное предложение в Present Continuous Tense: “now”, “is”, “father”, “my”, “car”, “repairing”, “his”:
+ My father is repairing his car now.
- My father is now repairing his car.
- Is my father repairing his car now?
- His car is repairing my father now.
23. В каком варианте представлено предложение с ошибкой?
- Am I playing tennis or badminton now?
+ What words is you writing at the moment?
- I am drinking a cup of coffee now.
- Listen! She is singing.
24. “… is … going now? – Unfortunately I … know”. Какие слова здесь пропущены?
- What, he, don’t
- Where, I, don’t
+ Where, he, don’t
- Where, she, am not
25. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить предложение в Present Continuous Tense: “sleeping”, “the”, “by”, “cat”, “fire”, “is”, “the”, “at the moment”:
+ The cat is sleeping by the fire at the moment.
- By the fire at the moment the cat is sleeping.
- The fire is sleeping by the cat at the moment.
- The cat sleeping by the fire is at the moment.
26. “Look! Molly … volleyball now. She is playing tennis”. Какие слова здесь пропущены?
- is playing
+ is not playing
- are not playing
- is played
27. Дополните предложение “It … getting dark” нужной формой “to be”:
- am
- are
- be
+ is
28. “Look! It …”. Выберите вариант ответа, в котором представлена правильная форма глагола “to rain”:
- is rain
- rains
+ is raining
- will raining
29. В каком варианте представлено предложение с ошибкой?
+ Ann is listening to the teacher and is writing in the copybook now
- My sister likes going to the cinema.
- Look! All the people are coming into the hall.
- The boy is picking apples.
тест_30. “… … they …? – To school”. Какие слова здесь пропущены?
- When, are, going
- Where, is, going
- When, are, go
+ Where, are, going
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