Рresent Рerfect tense - 6 класс тесты с ответами

Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме: «Рresent Рerfect tense»

Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +

Утвердительные предложения. Образование Рresent Рerfect tense

I. Вставьте пропущенные формы в Рresent Рerfect

1. His clock …….down.

- have broke

- have already broken

- has broke

+ has already broken

2. Pupils ………..the teacher’s questions.

+ have just answered

- have ansered

- has answered

- have just answer

3. Kate …..Tom for seven weeks.

- has know

+ has known

- have known

- have knowed

4. My brother …..all of his tea.

- has drink

- has drank just

+ has just drunk

- have drunk

5. Young artist …… two pictures recently.

- drawn

+ has drawn

- have drawn

- has drawned

II. Open the brackets. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Present Perfect

6. They (to see) that show before.

- had see

- seen

- have been see

+have seen

7. Ann (to wash) her face so that she can cook her dinner.

- washed

+ has washed

- have washed

-have washt

8. Boris and Natty (not to buy) a new house because it’s so expensive for them.

+ haven’t bought

- hasn’t bought

- have bought

- has bought

9. Something (to go) wrong with the vacuum cleaner.

- has just went

- have not gone

+ has just gone

- have gone

тест 10. Alex (to read) a lot of books about love recently.

- have read

- has readed

- have red

+ has read

III. Отрицательные предложения

11. I believe my daughter (not to make) many troubles by now.

- not made

+ hasn’t made

- has made

- have made

12. My granny (not to find) her keys in the kitchen yet.

+ has not found

-has found

- have not found

- hasn’t find

13. Up to now I (not to water) my little plants.

- have not to water

- has not to water

+have not watered

- was not to water

14. We (not to visit) my ill schoolmate today.

+ haven’t visited

- haven’t visit

- hasn’t visited

- hasn’t visit

15. Sam (not to meet) him for ten months.

- has not meet

+ has not met

- have not meet

- not meet

IV. Вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect

16. What (we/to do) tonight?

+ have we done

- has we done

- have we do

- have you done

17. Where (you / to be) today?

- are you been

- have you be

+ have you been

- you been

18. (you / to take) your Russian home task today’s evening?

+ have you taken

- are you took

- you take

- have you take

19. (my parents / to play) chess today?

- has my parents played

+ have my parents played

- has my parents play

- my parents played

тест-20. (Ben / to say) kind words to his mom on her today’s birthday?

- has Ben to say

- have Ben said

+ has Ben said

-have Ben sad

21. Какие грамматические времена изображены на картинке? What grammatical tenses are shown in the picture?

вопрос теста Рresent Рerfect tense 6 класс. Задание 1

+ Past Simple & Present Perfect

- Past Perfect & Present Simple

- Past Perfect & Present Perfect

- Past Perfect Continuous & Present Perfect

22. How many dresses (they / to buy) for their sisters today?

- they to buy

+ have they bought

- have they boght

- has they bought

23. What time is used in the sentence? Какое время употреблено в предложении?

вопрос теста Рresent Рerfect tense 6 класс. Задание 2

- Present Perfect

+ Past Simple

- Present Simple

- Past Perfect