Тестовые задания по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме: «Past Simple»
Правильный вариант ответа отмечен знаком +
1. Какое время используют для описания обычных, повседневных действий, которые происходили в прошлом?
- Present Simple
- Future Simple
- Past Perfect
+ Past Simple
2. В каком варианте указано предложение в Past Simple Tense?
- We have six lessons on Friday.
+ We had six lessons on Friday.
- We had had six lessons on Friday.
- We were having six lessons on Friday.
3. «I … to the gym at five o’clock the day before yesterday». Какое слово здесь пропущено?
+ went
- cleaned
- would
- gone
4. В каком глаголе «-ed» читается как [d]?
- washed
+ rained
- jumped
- looked
5. В каком ряду указаны только правильные глаголы?
- swim, change, cut
- have, do, play
+ watch, look, gather
- study, travel, forget
6. В каком варианте указано предложение в Past Simple Tense?
- Pete answers well and that is why he get a “five”.
+ Pete answered well and that is why he got a “five”.
- Pete answered well and that is why he had got a “five”.
- Pete had answered well and that is why he got a “five”.
7. Выберите наречие, используемое в Past Simple Tense:
+ a week ago
- now
- always
- already
8. Какое слово здесь лишнее: «looked», «loved», «sounded», «included»?
- loved
- sounded
+ looked
- included
9. В каком варианте указано предложение в Past Simple Tense?
- Aline had eaten a porridge and drank a cup of coffee.
+ Aline ate a porridge and drank a cup of coffee.
- Aline is eating a porridge and drinking a cup of coffee.
- Aline eats a porridge and drinks a cup of coffee.
тест 10. «He … his house in 2001». Какое слово здесь пропущено?
+ built
- was built
- did built
- builded
11. Ответьте на вопрос “How did your family go to Turkey?”, опираясь на данный рисунок:
- The family went to Turkey by train.
- The family went to Turkey by bus.
- The family went to Turkey by bike.
+ The family went to Turkey by plane.
12. В каком из ниже перечисленных глаголов в Past Simple Tense окончание «-y» меняется на «-i»?
+ study
- play
- stay
- enjoy
13. В каком варианте указано предложение в Past Simple Tense?
+ After school Jessy did not go home at once.
- After school Jessy do not go home at once.
- After school Jessy had not gone home at once.
- After school Jessy did not went home at once.
14. В каком варианте представлен правильный вариант диалога?
- Hello! When did you go to bed yesterday? – Hi! I go to bed at about eleven o’clock yesterday.
- Hello! When did you went to bed yesterday? – Hi! I went to bed at about eleven o’clock yesterday.
- Hello! When do you go to bed yesterday? – Hi! I went to bed at about eleven o’clock yesterday.
+ Hello! When did you go to bed yesterday? – Hi! I went to bed at about eleven o’clock yesterday.
15. Выберите наречие, которое не используется в Past Simple Tense:
- last Sunday
+ nowadays
- three month ago
- the day before yesterday
16. Какое слово здесь лишнее: «copied», «played», «cried», «tried»?
- copied
+ played
- cried
- tried
17. В каком из ниже приведенных глаголов в Past Simple Tense наблюдается удвоение конечного согласного?
- talk
- work
+ stop
- look
18. В каком варианте представлен правильный вариант диалога?
- How do your children spend the whole day? – They spend the whole day fishing.
- How does your children spend the whole day? – They spent the whole day fishing.
+ How did your children spend the whole day? – They spent the whole day fishing.
- How were your children spend the whole day? – They spent the whole day fishing.
19. В каком глаголе «-ed» читается как [id]?
- liked
+ skated
- helped
- jumped
тест-20. К какому глаголу в Past Simple Tense при прибавлении окончания «-ed» буква “y” меняется на букву “i”?
+ marry
- enjoy
- stay
- play
21. В каком ряду все глаголы являются неправильными?
- answer, be, do
- blow, cover, dance
- think, buy, listen
+ run, read, sing
22. В каком варианте представлен правильный вариант диалога?
- Where did you had dinner yesterday? – I had dinner with my parents at home yesterday.
- Where were you have dinner yesterday? – I had dinner with my parents at home yesterday.
+ Where did you have dinner yesterday? – I had dinner with my parents at home yesterday.
- Where did you have dinner yesterday? – I did had dinner with my parents at home yesterday.
23. «Jessy … a cup of tea with milk yesterday». Какое слово здесь пропущено?
+ drank
- drinked
- drinks
- drunk
24. «My husband … his work, but now he … it». Какие слова здесь пропущены?
- likes, hates
+ liked, hates
- likes, hated
- liked, hated
25. В каком глаголе прошедшего времени окончание «-ed» читается как [t]?
- played
- worried
+ walked
- wanted
26. Дополните предложение «Yesterday Harry … at six o’clock, but he … at seven o’clock», выбрав правильные глаголы:
- waked up, got up
+ woke up, got up
- woke up, get up
- waked up, getted up
27. В каком рисунке можно найти правильный глагол?
28. В каком варианте указано предложение в Past Simple Tense?
- It was a quarter to eight when Nik opens his eyes.
- It is a quarter to eight when Nik opens his eyes.
- It were a quarter to eight when Nik opened his eyes.
+ It was a quarter to eight when Nik opened his eyes.
29. «Our neighbourhood … everybody to the party last month». Какое слово здесь пропущено?
- said
+ invited
- came
- helped
тест_30. В каком варианте представлен правильный вариант диалога?
- Sasha, do you do English exercises last week? – Yes, of course. I did all English exercises last week.
- Sasha, did you English exercises last week? – Yes, of course. I did all English exercises last week.
+ Sasha, did you do English exercises last week? – Yes, of course. I did all English exercises last week.
- Sasha, did you do English exercises last week? – Yes, of course. I do all English exercises last week.
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